subversive elements|subversive element in English

destructive elements, elements whose goals are to undermine authority

Use "subversive elements|subversive element" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "subversive elements|subversive element" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "subversive elements|subversive element", or refer to the context using the word "subversive elements|subversive element" in the English Dictionary.

1. Was her speech subversive ?

2. He was engaged in subversive activities .

3. He was a known political subversive.

4. There was nothing remotely subversive about it, as far as I could see: hurtful, yes, but not subversive.

5. I think this is genuinely subversive.

6. However, subversive survival strategies were possible.

7. He defaced public property with subversive graffiti.

8. I hope you realize how subversive that is.

9. Trash subversive that way. It exists to taunt.

10. PH: I hope you realize how subversive that is.

11. There was nothing inherently subversive of royal authority here.

12. They proceeded to ransack everything inside, looking for something subversive.

13. This courageous and subversive movie has attracted widespread critical support.

14. She was seen as a potentially subversive within the party.

15. Trash is subversive that way . It exists to taunt.

16. In Amalgamemnon the central female character takes an overtly subversive approach.

17. She was seen as a potentially subversive force within the party.

18. “Anti-State propaganda and subversive activity,” according to the official records.

19. Biased government officials may label us as “seditious” or “subversive.”

20. So, my name is Roger Doiron, and I have a subversive plot.

21. The attorney general denounced it as subversive to politics, morals, and religion.

22. A Cynical attitude, nonetheless, may also be non-subversive in its intents

23. Pablo Picasso was for a long time regarded as a dangerous subversive.

24. It was claimed that the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses was subversive.

25. In this guise he gathered information about mutinous and subversive designs.